Feel the Beat works especially well as a movie that parents can enjoy with kids. Director Elissa Down struggles in the early scenes, relying on cliches, improbabilities, and oversimplifications to establish the grumpy, self absorbed character who leaves friends and family behind to pursue her ambition. Do not believe the negative rateing it's an amazing movie and worth watch.

The kids' enthusiasm as an ensemble suggests a funnier, warmer movie, a cute clone of "School of Rock" in which the misfits take center stage as they blossom into talented ballerinas. Sometimes you just need a feel-good movie to watch, no matter how obvious or unoriginal it may be. That being said, is the Netflix Original Film 'Feel the.

Feel the Beat

A love letter to small towns, FEEL THE BEAT is a heartwarming comedy about chasing your dreams. Feel the Beat is a predictable-but-sweet story about the value of self-worth, the need for selflessness and the beauty of family. April always dreamed of making it big on Broadway. As a young girl, April practiced tirelessly to become the best dancer in her small town of New Hope. In Feel The Beat April, played by Sofia Carson, is a Broadway dancer. After a mishap, she is essentially blacklisted from the dancing community in NYC, but This movie is not just another dance movie where we see a lot of fun dance performances but the plot is sub-par (although we DO see a.

Trailer Feel the Beat

After blowing a Broadway audition, a self-centered dancer reluctantly returns home and agrees to coach a squad of young misfits for a big competition. the review continues below. Feel the Beat DISCUSSION TOPICS. - Ambition, small towns, going home, commitment, ending relationships. The movie follows April who returns to her small hometown after failing to find success on Broadway. "After blowing a Broadway audition.

After failing to make it on Broadway, April returns to her hometown and reluctantly begins. Feel the Beat full movie free download, streaming. For the most part, the movie follows exactly what you'd expect (and want) from an underdog comedy tale. April starts off mean and quite horrible to the misfit group of kids at the New Hope dance studio, still run by her former dance teacher Barb.