Circus of the Dead Will Make You Think Of Visiting One Again. You may be wondering the inspiration for Circus of the Dead, well maybe the beginning quote just might be the clue of this unnatural and messed up circus that we witness, at least it's on a screen and not actually inside of it. Circus of the Dead uses great practical effects with no CGI, as to what I can tell.

Check out my review for Circus of the Dead directed by Bloody Bill! To say Circus of the Dead is not for the squeamish, faint-of-heart is a HUGE understatement. It's got to be one of the maybe two or three most brutal movies I've ever seen.

Circus of the Dead

By purchasing and/or using the linked product you are helping to cover the costs of running BitChute. Without the support of the community this platform will cease to exist. Registered users can opt-out of receiving advertising via the Interface tab on their Settings page. Circus of the Dead is most definitely not a film for the easily offended. The villain of the movie, Papa Corn, is a raping murdering psychopath whose choice of victims is motivated by a deck of cards he carries. He and his gang of murderous clowns kidnap and torture their victims and then proceed to.

Trailer Circus of the Dead

Circus of the Dead is one of those films that has eluded me for years. I've seen it available at cons and I've heard it mentioned online, it's just one of those movies that I never jumped on. Watch movie reviews for Circus of the Dead in video form, created by film critics and amateurs.

Reviewers share their opinions of the movie and explore it's best and worst aspects. A sadistic group of clowns kidnap an unsuspecting man and his daughters, forcing him to play a deadly game in order to save his family. Subtitles, Circus of the Dead - Reviews, Horoscopes & Charts free online, actors. Movie creators, Reviews on, Subtitles, Horoscopes & Birth Charts.