Featuring a soundtrack by the Oscar-nominated composer Mica Levi. Production Companies:Academy Films, BBC Films, BBC Arts. I have a summary for you.

Now, I know what you're thinking: This sounds like a post you'd read over on The Onion. Starring: Villmar Bjrkman, Linnea Cart-Lamy, Leif Edlund and others. Dans les rues étroites de la ville et sur les places, des dizaines de personnes dansent frénétiquement au rythme de tambourins, violes et cornemuses.

Strasbourg 1518

Malgré les supplications de son mari. We've heard about Boogie Fever, but a Dancing Plague? It began with one woman named Frau Troffea. And how did the town recover from the mania? Watch the video above to discover the truth behind history's most mysterious illness. Hommes ou femmes, rien ne semble pouvoir les arrêter.

Trailer Strasbourg 1518

Cette « épidémie », qui s'étend sur plusieurs semaines, ébranle la communauté strasbourgeoise et frappe les esprits au point d'être. One of the most remarkable things about Murderball, which is easily among the year's best movies, is how little of its time is filled with the playing of the game. Review of: Strasbourg City Center Guided Bike Tour with a Local Guide.