I'm a forty-something male and I loved this movie. I didn't quite know what to expect, saw some less than glowing reviews, but decided to favor the more positive reviews and head to the theater. The film stars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt as Aurora Lane and Jim.

If that doesn't intrigue a sci-fi fan, little else will. There are no complications of wars between galaxies or superheroes in space. Second half of the movie review has spoilers.

The Passenger

Should you see the full movie? Personally, it was hands-down the best movie I've ever seen in my life. There was suspense, action, love, and two incredible actors, Chris and Jen. In different ways, both those movies made your heart skip a beat. Peter Travers on why it's not worth the trip. movie reviews Dec. Note: This review contains mild spoilers and plot points.

Trailer The Passenger

At worst, it's an argument that men can do whatever they want with the knowledge that things will always work out for. The new movie has been touted as Titanic in space, but it looks like this ship is set to sink fast. Note: I suppose one could argue this review contains a significant plot spoiler, so proceed with caution.

Before I published, out of curiosity I looked through several other reviews to see how it was handled, and. The captain soon wakes up as well. After the success of Gravity and The Martian, people love space movies, right? REVIEW: What were Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence thinking when they signed up to this lily-livered sci-fi drama?